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Social Media Marketing

Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are names you hear in the news everyday and you may very well be getting emails from friends asking you to join. These websites are part of the growing Internet phenomenon known as Social Media Marketing and they are now a permanent part of the Internet and its business marketing. Google has put in a bid to buy, which is a website filled with business advertisements similar to an online yellow pages, but it has a social media marketing aspect to it that allows any member of Yelp (free to join) to make a comment about any business listing found on their website. Is your business on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or Yelp?

Social network websites allow businesses and individuals to build a public profile, create a list of website users with whom they share a common connection like owning a business in Seattle, using an IPhone, buying Chanel perfume or being a friend of John L. Sullivan of Los Angeles, California – and once the list is created the list is then open for viewing and communication by fellow members (free to join) of Facebook, MySpace, etc.

Forward Opportunities will introduce you to the marketing world of social websites and help you promote your business website and business through social media channels. The benefit of a successful social media campaign is a stronger Internet presence on the search engines, more visitors to your website and ultimately an increase in business.

What makes social network websites unique and effective for business is that they permit business owners to reach out and meet strangers (potential customers) and then to have the customers/strangers promote your business to their friends.

Forward Opportunities will help you design and implement a strategic plan for utilizing social media whether you are selling products and services or just publishing a blog for advertising revenue. Social media opens doors for business to increase brand awareness and more importantly facilitate conversations with your customers and receive direct feedback from those customers and your targeted markets.

Forward Opportunities will help you take advantage of this new and explosive marketing vehicle.

Social Media Websites include: Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Tumblr, Digg and Reddit.

Forward Opportunities Online Business Association - April 28, 2013

The hyper-link references found below on represent members of the Forward Opportunities Online Business Association 2014 that is an organization dedicated to promoting Internet information for the benefit of local communities. All of the hyper-link references below on are related in that they have all pledged to bring their information to the Internet ethically, morally and compliant with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 2014.

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